Ayurvedic Care

Ayurveda or Ayurvedic Medicine is a system of medicine native to India. Treatment options are varied and can include yoga, acupuncture, herbal medicine, message therapy and dietary changes.

Health, Food And Drinks

Our health is very important for living. Drinks such as ors-l and food substances like ensure are necessary for a health living. There are lots of products in this category. The cost of these products is less when bought in our shop.


There are more than 40 different kind of nutrients in food and they can generally be classified into 7 major groups. They are carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, dietary fibres and water.


There are 5 main tools that are used in pharmacy - Brushes, Ointment Slabs, Scoops and Spoons, Spatulas, Tweezers and Forceps.

Personal Care

These are consumer products that are used in personal hygiene, personal grooming or for beautification.

Mom And Baby Care

Mom and baby have to be taken care to the best of our abilities. There are products like johnson and johnson which help in this phase.

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